Lucee Tag Reference


Displays the results of a database query or other operation. To nest cfoutput tags, see the "Usage" section.


This tag must have a body.




The attributes for this tag are fixed. Except for the following attributes no other attributes are allowed.
Name Type Required Description
encodefor string No encode for what, valid values are:
  • css: for output inside Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • dn: for output in LDAP Distinguished Names
  • html: for output inside HTML
  • html_attr: for output inside HTML Attributes
  • javascript: for output inside Javascript
  • ldap: for output in LDAP queries
  • url: for output in URL
  • vbscript: for output inside vbscript
  • xml: for output inside XML
  • xml_attr: for output inside XML Attributes
  • xpath: for output in XPath 
  • endrow number No Last row of query that is included. You cannot use this attribute together with the attribute maxRows. 
    group string No Specifies the query column to use when you group sets of records together. Use this attribute
    if you have retrieved a record set ordered on a certain query column. For example, if a record set is
    ordered according to "CustomerID" in the cfquery tag, you can group the output on "CustomerID." The
    group attribute, which is case sensitive, eliminates adjacent duplicates when the data is sorted by
    the specified field. See the groupCaseSensitive attribute for information about specifying a case
    insensitive grouping. 
    groupcasesensitive boolean No Boolean indicating whether to group by case. The default value is YES; case is considered while
    grouping. If the query attribute specifies a query object that was generated by a case-insensitive
    SQL query, set the groupCaseSensitive attribute to NO to keep the recordset intact. 
    maxrows number No Specifies the maximum number of rows to display in the output section. You cannot use this attribute together with the attribute endRow. 
    query any No The name of the cfquery from which to draw data for the output section or the query itself. 
    startrow number No Specifies the row from which to start output.